Sunday, November 10, 2019

And The Rain Came Down

What an exciting week! David and I had a mini-break in Chesterfield, but we only just made it home on Wednesday afternoon when the river Don burst its banks and caused no end of misery. We were on the last bus out of Chesterfield before all the buses were stopped, and if it hadn't been for a very good bus driver I doubt we would have got through. So, well done, the X17 bus driver who announced, "I'm going for it," and took his double decker bus slowly through the flood waters. (Pics down below).

And what did we do in Chesterfield? Well, apart from getting wet, we went to the church with the wonky spire, we took in the museum (worth a visit for the 'windlass' a huge wheel contraption that was used to winch up timbers during the construction of the spire - a bit like a giant guinea pig's treadmill), and we had a lot of fun. We stayed at the Portland Hotel, a Weatherspoon's establishment which was most comfortable, and, of course quite reasonably priced.

When we arrived on Wednesday, it was lunchtime, so we made for the oldest pub in Chesterfield, The amazing Royal Oak in the Shambles which was established in 1772 and has the most amazing timber ceiling. And what a little find it was! Mine host, Paul made sure we learned a little of the history of the place, while chef Craig  prepared our lunch - home made mash with spicy pumpkin and lentil stew. It was hearty and wholesome, and we swilled it down with ale and cider (I'm a cider person). I have to say there were so many good things on the menu, all under a tenner, it was difficult to choose, lots of vegetarian options too. If we'd been celebrating we could have had a bottle of Segura Brut Cava Reserva for £17.95, but we have had our share of celebrations this side of Christmas, so we stuck to the cheaper stuff. Still, it's good to have the option. Thank you Paul and Craig for an excellent start to our Chesterfield trip.

We spent the rest of the afternoon exploring the nooks and crannies, the shops, and the library, where we partook of chocolate cake and coffee - ooh, naughty!

Then the rain started, but it didn't stop us venturing forth into the drizzle for an evening of fun. First we had pre-open mic nibbles at a place called Einsteins, then hot footed it to the Coffee St, coffee lounge to meet up with fellow poets. The event was Spire Writes with guest poet our very good friend Jeff Platts. He was great, as usual, I love his stuff, it's gritty, honest, and entertaining. The other open mic poets were good too, (thanks for letting me join in) it was lovely to meet the Chesterfield poets.

So, job done, we braved the heavy rain on Thursday morning and attempted to look around the open air flea market. It wasn't too successful so we grabbed a Greggs sandwich and headed for the bus station. We caught the 1.30 p.m. X17 and arrived home just after 4 p.m. It was a long bus ride, but as I said earlier, we were very grateful to reach Birdwell in time for tea.

My little Friday volunteer job was cancelled due to the rain, so I had a lovely day off, just right for cooking all the apples that came from our son's apple tree. 

Now it's cello time, and the start of Christmas music. Great! Will I be good enough for a bit of busking this year - we'll see.

Enjoy my photos:

Floodwater at Meadowhall

Floodwater en route to Sheffield from Chesterfield

Scene from the X17

And the water came into the bus

Spire Writer Bob

Craig the Rapper

Add caption

Jeff Platts

Wacky Lady

The Book Tower
Our room at the Portland Hotel

Inside St Mary's Church

to the right of the main altar

Ancient tombs

Fantastic stained glass windows

The main altar

Such beautiful glass

The Wobbly Wonky Spire

St Mary's Church

Paul at the Royal Oak

David tucking in


Well restored

There's always a bar!

They don't make em like this now (the building I mean)

So, that was our week, it was quite eventful. And now I'm back on my diet. No more cider for a while, and back to one oatibix for breakfast. I have a couple of pounds to shift or I'll not get into my jeans, and that would be catastrophic; the last thing I need is the expense of new clothes.

I bought a new book this week, Mythos by Stephen Fry, so that is what I am about to do, immerse myself in Greek Gods, I've been taking the vitamin B12 so the old grey matter is already fizzing - just right for a dose of Zeus and Ares. 

I'll be back next week with an update of my news, meanwhile I do hope you have not been caught up in the flood waters. Keep safe dear reader, and have a good week.

Love and hugs,
Jane x

P.S.  If you haven't ordered your copy of either Higgs Bottom (the novel) or Scary Woman (poems) you can do that here - Christmas is coming!

Not too scary really!
Spoiler Alert! Higgs Bottom is a Place, not a Bottom!

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