Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Living Next to God!

My lovely flat in Beckenham, and the church next door. I'm living next to God. How wonderful is that?

Hello from sunny Beckenham. As you can see, spring has sprung, the grass is green, the flowers are showing their full glorious colours, and wonderful warm sunshine has brought out hints of outside life. The cafebars of the town have set there al fresco tables, summer shorts and tee-shirts have been pulled from under winter woollies, and the sound of children playing in the school playground somewhere behind my flat, is making for a very pleasant morning.
I am looking forward to my daily stroll, a bit later on,  to take advantage of the weather while it lasts. The forecast isn't too great, but winter has passed so I doubt we shall see sub-zero temperatures for a good few months.
Spring has sprung, as they say.
I have wintered extremely well, the flat is cosy, small so easy to manage, and I am in walking distance of the shops. Of course I can catch a bus, and my Freedom Pass enables me to hop on and off not only buses but trains too. It is a wonderful thing to have, and I am not shy at using it. Everybody over 60 is entitled to a Freedom Pass, have you got yours?
Well, I have not been idle over the last few months. I have had a few health problems, but nothing too serious. I did come down with that dreadful N-something virus, and that was quite nasty, but I did lose a few pounds and that is always good. Anyway, in between all of that, I have been practicing hymns to play at church, and songs to sing in the Beckenham Ladies Choir. Of course I have been writing too, and I was overjoyed to receive a cheque from Amazon, of a hundred pounds for sales of my book, Tears from the Sun - a Cretan Journey. Speaking of which, I have also sold a few copies to friends in Beckenham. I wonder if the little bookshop here will be interested, I might just pop in one day and ask them.
Anyway, must get on. I have my cello and piano practice to do yet, I want to write my daily 2000 words, take a stroll out, and, Lord look at the time, it's time for lunch. Today I'm on a ham and pickle sandwich, courtesy of a lovely slice of roast ham on the bone which I bought in Sainsbury's yesterday.

Have a good day, wherever you may be, and I'll talk some more soon.
Jane x

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