Thursday, June 13, 2013

Singing with Angels

Were you ever so happy that you just knew you were surrounded by angels? Well, that's how I felt last Saturday evening when I was in the church of St George, Beckenham. It was the occasion of a charity concert that had been organised by the committee of the Beckenham Ladies Choir. The church was full to standing (though extra chairs were brought in so that everyone had a seat), and boy, was that large audience in for a treat. The Ladies Choir was joined by the Blaenavon Male Voice Choir, and a young man, Oliver Wass, who played the harp. The male voice choir were absolutely fantastic, they were a hard act to follow, but of course, we ladies rose to the occasion. Music lovers watch out for Oliver Wass, he is extremely talented, and treated us to a brilliant performance. All profits are to go to provide stroke rehabilitation equipment at Hildenborough hospital.

 As you see, I snook a couple of pictures before the concert started. Here you see our lovely choir mistress opening the event.
I thought this photo surreal. Of course it is not a ghost! It does show off the inside of St George's
Church though.

Well, that was Saturday, and it is now Thursday, so what has happened in between? There was church on Sunday morning. I went to Clock House where Mary played organ this week, so I could relax and enjoy the service. There was also a little birthday celebration for her afterwards, which included a giant chocolate cake made by one of the congregation. It was mightily delicious. At 12.30 I met Jo and Jack in Beckenham, and together with Jack's other grandma and auntie, we went for lunch at Prezzio, an Italian Restaurant on the high street. I have to admit, after the chocolate cake, I wasn't too hungry, but I did enjoy a glass of white wine and a salad.

Monday was a busy day. First my little volunteer job at the coffee shop, then a visit to the medical center to get my prescriptions, I was told it took 48hrs, so to come back in a couple of days. I shopped at Sainsbury's and caught the 227 bus home. Cello practice came next, and then I was off again, this time to Penge to the regular choir practice. We were given new music for our next concert in October,

Poetry Please! (as they say). I have joined the Shortlands Poetry Circle, and was extremely well received by the other members. This week we had researched the lives and poems of Miroslav Holub,  Anna Akhmatova, and C P Cavafy. Everyone read two poems which they had chosen from the works of these three poets. I was asked to read Cavafy's Ithaca in Greek, I think it upped my street cred. It really was a wonderful afternoon. So that was Tuesday.

Cello lesson yesterday was exciting, as I learned some new stuff. I am very happy with my new teacher, and she has asked me to a concert at Kings Hospital, London, next week, where she will be playing with her friends. So, another adventure to look forward to.

And today, I am going to put together a small collection of my poems, and try to make a little pamphlet to take to Middlesbrough at the end of the month, for the Literary Festival, and the 50th birthday celebrations of Marton Library. I've got quite a busy life, I haven't time to worry about the weather, which by the way, is a little grey, but we make our own sunshine, don't we?

Have a lovely weekend my friends, may the angels watch over you.
Love Jane x

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