Monday, October 28, 2013

STOP! Hospital Visit, Normal Life Will Resume A.S.A.P.


You couldn't call it an adventure, it was more of an experience!

This is a photo of the Princess Royal Hospital at Lochs Bottom, Orpington, where David and I spent the day last Friday, while our daughter had a small operation.

All went well, and she is recovering nicely, feet up and lots of love over the weekend.

Anyway, although there was an hour or two of waiting in the reception area of the hospital, David and I did take a walk out to investigate the surroundings. We walked the High Street of Lochs Bottom, had a coffee and cake in a lovely coffee shop, did the tour of the charity shop, and, well, that was about it really. There was a pub on the corner, but we didn't fancy a pint, and there was a big Sainsburys near the hospital, but apart from that, not a lot else.

You can imagine concern during the day, so neither of us felt like whooping it up very much, and after a sobering sit in at the hospital, we got Jo home and tucked up in bed, put our feet up and watched 'Skyfall,' the James Bond film.

Things are not quite back to normal, but I dare say I shall rally myself for choir practice tonight, and a good sing should shake away the negativity. So, forgive my not as chirpy as usual self, it's nothing that a good night's sleep won't cure.

Hey Ho! It's all part of life's rich pattern!
Love and hugs,
Jane x

Want a good book to read? Check out this one, Tears from the Sun - A Cretan Journey it is based on my adventures in Crete. Available now from Amazon.

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