Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day from Beckenham


I don't know what you are up to today, but I hope you are making a special effort to think about that special person in your life. I know I am.

Over the years there have been flowers, chocolates, the odd bottle of wine. But today David and I have decided to abandon all of that. Is it a sign of age, or are we just plain miserable?

Well, I hope it is neither. Yesterday we walked to Penge and back, so I think we are pretty fit, and as for miserable, we don't allow that in the house.

What we have decided to do is work through the day, we have things to do, and then have a special meal tonight with a drop of bubbly. And over that meal we shall discuss an adventurous day out on Sunday, when, hopefully the weather will be a little brighter.

So, to work. I am in the (hopefully) latter stages of my second novel, so that will take up a couple of hours. Then I have a couple of poems to write for the Shortlands Poetry Circle meeting, which will take place on Tuesday. This is very exciting as it will be my first attendance at the 'writers' meeting. I had to apply to join, then be accepted by the committee (no pretend poets wanted) and finally try out a meeting to see whether I want to be a regular member. It is very exciting! As it usually takes me a few days to perfect a poem, if not longer, I had better make a start today.

Also on Tuesday I will attend my first meeting of Stanza, another poets' gathering, this time in Bromley. Both meets are chaired by Anne Stewart.

I should add that I have been a member of the Shortlands Poetry Circle - Readers group for almost about a year, and I enjoy that very much. It also widens my knowledge of poetry generally.

So, that is my writing schedule for today. And when that is all done, I shall relax with my lovely man, who is, as we speak, ordering me a copy of Steven Fry's The Ode Less Traveled, his little present to me for Valentine's Day. And my present to him? Oh, I think I shall find something to put a smile on his face.

Have a lovely day readers, make it special.
Love Jane x

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