Thursday, January 29, 2015

It's Show Time!

A Breeze Above Our Heads

An evening of poetical fun

Jane Sharp, Christine Pope and Mary Sawyer

Saturday 7 Feb at 7.30 p.m.
Beckenham Methodist Church
Bromley Road

Tickets £5.00 (includes refreshment) on the door.

Please come and support us, we promise a unique evening of words and music. I am so looking forward to this event. It's a first for Beckenham, and a first for, 'A Breeze Above Our Heads.'

Now, as you can imagine I have been very busy over the past few weeks, preparing for our debut show. Since Christmas I have not had a free day. One thing though, I have been able to cosy up in the flat and learn my lines (well, sort of). I've also done a bit of baking. I've made love heart biscuits for our audience on the 7th Feb. And today I tried out a new recipe which I got out of a magazine. It was for apple cookies. Unfortunately they didn't turn out anything like a cookie, more sort of soft, spongy, eggy type, scone type, unsweet, cocoa-nutty, keep you alive stodge. David and I will probably eat them, they are not too bad with a spoon of jam on the top, but I won't make them again. Oh, well, nothing new there then.

We had a slight shower of snow today, it started just after I had stepped out of the front door for a short constitutional, managed to wet me through as I determinately strode out, and cleared up the minute I got back to the flat. Cold air is very refreshing in the lungs after a day inside.

I hope you are keeping warm, dear reader, and I look forward to seeing you on Saturday 7 Feb.

And now for a bit of telly, it's nearly time for 'Death in Paradise' a little programme which amuses me.

Take care on the icy roads,
Love and hugs,
Jane x

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