Sunday, April 10, 2016

It's Showtime in Birdwell


As you can see, we all had lots of fun at the Academy Theatre in Birdwell, putting on the play, Up The Resistance, last week. We were directed by David Wrightam, who also wrote the play. The pictures speak for themselves.

 I played the part of Madam Dustere, the cleaner in a French brothel. 'Alo, Alo' She's a bit dotty, but saves the day, when the German's discover secret plans, and end up capturing an English officer and his accomplices. 

Now, see if you can spot the scarecrow - My David stood in at the last minute, as we were a member of cast short. He made an excellent scarecrow. Back row, third from the end, right.

And of course we ended the evening off in true Barnsley style, with bread and dripping. There was, of course, lots of other yummy nibbles on the buffet, all washed down with a pint of John Smiths from the bar.

And now it is on to the next David Wrightam play, another Sun, Sea, Sand and Crabs, this time set in Morocco (I think). Watch out for it in October. Before that I am going to be rehearsing for Act Your Age, a musical, also at the Academy Theatre, to be staged in June. It keeps me out of mischief.

Talk again soon, have a good week, all,
Love and hugs,
Jane x

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