Monday, March 16, 2020


Hello dear reader,
I woke up this morning with a smile on my face due to the fact that I was singing the song, Happy Talk from the King and I. It was, I'm sure, a subconscious attempt to keep me thinking happy thoughts in the middle of all the doom and gloom of coronavirus.

Happy talk, keep talking happy talk
Talk about things you'd like to do.
You gotta have a dream
if you don't have a dream
How you gonna have a dream come true?
Of course I had my own words in my dream, which I don't remember now, but I realise the actual words to the first verse of this song are a great up-lifter. First of all we have all got to start talking about happy things. Our imagination is a wonderful thing and it can take us to all sorts of places. 'Talk about things you'd like to do' - well, the list is endless. And the bit about, 'if you don't have a dream, how you gonna have a dream come true,' is spot on. Well, I'm dreaming about getting through this next three or four months (hopefully no longer) and, victorious, celebrating with the whole world a return to functioning society. Let's all dream the same dream. Don't forget: HAPPY TALK, KEEP TALKING HAPPY TALK!
David is over 70, and I'm almost there, so we have decided to self isolate as much as possible. We are lucky in the fact that we have a garden to enjoy the fresh air in. Our plan is to take a walk in the countryside most days, keeping a safe two meter distance from anyone else we may encounter. We know this is going to be a long few months.
I have food in for about two weeks, and toilet rolls (though the supermarket shelves are emptying fast after every delivery), and I did manage to get two handbag sized hand sanitisers, from the chemist. 
We have books earmarked to read, and I will be writing the odd poem or two, I should think. Speaking of which, some really happy news - BBC Radio Sheffield rang me today to say they were going to air my recording of Aunt Martha's Lenten Quest, on Thursday 19 March (this Thursday) on The Vibe, an arts programme, 7 - 9 p.m. So, a little success to brighten the day. Apparently they are going to interview me as well.
Meanwhile, Barnsley Writers, who I joined last week for the first time, have suspended meetings, but we shall be given writing tasks via their facebook page. I will not be short of things to do, that's for sure.
Who would have thought we would all have been in this situation? 'HAPPY TALK, KEEP TALKING HAPPY TALK' In the interest of comedy I have been working on a new monologue. Watch this space!
And while I'm pen in hand, David is busy trying to do up a couple of bicycles that were destined for the tip, and he's been tidying the garden - we've got some lovely daffodils.
It will all be over by Christmas! 

Keep Safe dear reader, I'll be back next week, God willing, with an update of isolation in Birdwell.
Love and Hugs,
Jane x 

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