Tuesday, December 13, 2016


In the middle of all my Christmas upsidedown-ness, I had an urge to write a little Christmas Carol. 

Here it is:

Christmas Angels

Angels who walk in the bright star lit skies
Working for Jesus in heavenly guise
Ready to help all wherever the cry
Ready to comfort: to be by our side

Angels, this Christmas, be ever in our thoughts
Visit the lonely, the sick; the distraught
Let God’s warm love be eternal support
Alleluia, Alleluia

Angels who sing in celestial light
Bringing the message of joy infinite
Wrap your wings round us our hearts to ignite
Guide us, astound us; protect us from night

Let us unite and rejoice with the Angels
Whether in garb of plain cloth or of sable
Let us remember a child in a stable
Alleluia, Alleluia

Angels who walk in the bright star lit skies
Working for Jesus in heavenly guise
Ready to help all wherever the cry

Ready to comfort; to be by our side

And here is the music. My theory is not spot on I know, but I think you will be able to follow it okay.
Xmas Carol op.1

Hello Christmas 2016

Saturday, December 10, 2016


Here is a little Christmas Carol that I wrote the other day. Maybe the music isn't written perfectly, but I'm a bit rusty with my theory. I think you will get the gist though. Merry Christmas Everyone!

I might even do a little recording of it tomorrow - watch this space.

Love and hugs, Jane x

From Birdwell to Vrahassi - Adventure 2016

From Birdwell to Vrahassi - 'The Mission' to bring back my lovely Yamaha Piano.

The account of our trip to Crete, is best shown in photographs. We certainly covered some miles, but our old car was a superhero. We named her Matilda, and she performed regally. The main object of our trip, was to retrieve personal possessions from our house in Crete, load them into Matilda, and transport them safely back to the Birdwell. We also wanted to make sure the house was still saleable, i.e. waterproof, and sound, and, of course, we had to pay our taxes.  And so it was, on a sunny morning in October, we set off on our long journey south.

Our itinerary was to travel south to Dover, take the ferry to Calais, travel through France down to Reims, then on to Lyon, through the Frejus Tunnel to Italy, on through Italy toward Bologna and finally Ancona. From Ancona take the Minoan Lines ferry to Patras (mainland Greece) drive to Athens, and take the ferry from Piraeus to Crete. It all went like a dream. There was no sight seeing, no stopping for meals (we had a supply of food in the car) and we stayed in budget hotels on the way.

To cut a very long story short - the mission was a complete success, we returned home with a carload of stuff, including two big cans of olive oil, and the piano.

About to leave Birdwell Oct 21 2016
Goodbye England, France here we come
On the road through France, and Italy, motorway all the way
Travelling East - Ancona to Patras

The last leg - Piraeus (Athens) to Crete
And on the seventh day we came to rest in Vrahassi
And rest we did, in the house that David built

 We found the house just as we left it, except for a year's accumulation of dust. That was very soon swept away. We cleaned the place through and tried to have a little holiday. Once we had got all the official business out of the way we enjoyed a few walks in the olive groves. Vrahassi had not changed one bit.

Vrahassi had not changed one bit
 The Frejus Tunnel was not as scary as I remembered it from our last trip 15 years ago. It was very expensive to go through, however, about £40
Through the Frejus Tunnel from Italy to France

 The journey back was not quite as enjoyable as the journey there, as I was taken quite ill, by the time I got home I had lost almost a stone in weight, and was not myself at all. But that is all in the past, and now I am feeling much better. So, it is onwards and upwards.

A pit stop in the French Alps

And 'hey presto' we are back in Birdwell

So, there you have it, our adventure 2016. I'm not in a hurry to repeat the journey, but give me a few months and we might be off again. Both our children gave me a lecture on not taking on such a long trip in the future, but I can't see me sitting in the house with my knitting for too long. Once this jumper is finished we might just be dreaming up a 2017 adventure.

And now to write a bit of poetry, I haven't done that for weeks, but methinks the muse has settled upon me. Watch this space.

Bye for now dear reader, enjoy your Christmas shopping, the bright lights are dazzling in Barnsley!

Jane x

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Sharp Art

I might have been quiet over the past weeks, but I have not been idle. I've taken to painting, and set up a studio in my kitchen. It has good south facing light, and a good work surface. The table is covered in paints, brushes, jam jars, masking tape, pens, pencils, PVA, Polyfiller and the odd tube of glitter. And tomorrow is my first public airing of some of my work. I am going to the Cock Inn Music cum Beer Festival, Birdwell, where I have a stall for the day.

David has made me a stand to hang a few painting on, and we are hoping for a jolly day. Please let the rain pass over during the night!

Here is a taster of my work, It's a bit crazy, but it's mine.

 Top left is my portrait of Ian McMillan (Poet),  the pink squiggly one is called 'Ejaculation', I really enjoyed making the collage one using an old music score and one of my poems, and of course the little pug picture.
Pugsie Alone!
 He is so cute!
And this is my interpretation of an olive grove.

So, fingers crossed for a lovely fine afternoon and plenty of laughs. Birdwell is going to be buzzing with tweets I'm sure, especially when people see the painting of Barnsley FC supporter's crowd, complete with ferret. I'm really quite excited. I will let you know how things go, of course.

Have a wonderful Bank Holiday, wherever you may be, and whatever you may be doing. Talk again soon.

Love Jane xx

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Act Your Age - Not Likely!

So, it is over, weeks and weeks of learning words, songs, dance steps. Weeks and weeks of not acting my age, just for the sheer hell of it. I finally got my act together for the last night of a 3 night run at the Academy Theatre, last night. Yes, it was hard work, but I enjoyed every minute. Would I do it again? Not this side of Christmas. Here are a few pictures:

 Grumpy old women. Act Your Age the Musical.
And Glamour 

There is always a nurse!

And football supporters

Not acting our age!

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Sharing a changing room

And Cheeky Men too!
Whatever will I do next? I've got a list of things so I'm not going to be bored. Watch this space.

It is Fathers' Day today, so to celebrate, here is a poem I have written about my Daddy. We are a close family and I loved my Daddy so much. He worked on the railway.


I don’t like your whiskers, rough on my cheek,
or the smell of your breath, that sometimes reeks
of smoke, or beer, or, on occasion kippers,
and, I hate the stink of your old brown slippers.

I loathe the stench of your coat even more,
it reminds me of festering garden manure,
it whiffs of paraffin, old painting rags,
that diesel-oil waft of your stop-go flags.

and greasy brill cream in your hair, what’s that?
A sticky slick on the rim of your hat:
flat streaky strands on a shiny smooth dome,
stains on the pillow, globules in your comb.

Your hands look like you’ve been digging holes
In the garden, fingers dirty as moles.
But when your shift is over, and you’re back
like Daddy-bear black with grime from the track,

and you slip your work-bag onto the floor,
hang your coat on the hook behind the door,
sit at the table, rummage in your pocket,
bring out a bar of Cadbury’s milk chocolate,

something changes, your  fragrance turns sweet,
there are roses, red roses at your feet,
and I smile, you’re no longer a baddy,
all I can smell is my lovely Daddy.

And now I am going to make something hot for tea, the weather is quite cold today, and I need internal warmth.

I will leave this blog with just one more comment. The terrible news of the murder of Jo Cox has really shocked me. A young mother of two, a brilliant politician, and a caring person. The world has lost a very bright spark. RIP Jo Cox.

Talk soon,
Love to all,
Jane x

Monday, April 18, 2016


As we were trekking through the woods the other day, we came across this very neglected house. Can it be saved? I hope it can, but fear not. Anyway, we had a delightful walk ending at Cawthorn. Now that's a place. We did manage a look around the garden centre, but not the Hall, not this time. I'm sure we will be back there though. The parkland was a joy to amble through, and the village church, although locked, was interesting to view from the outside.

 Fabulous Saxon cross.
Cross not as old as you think, Victorian.

Renovation Project

Squeezing through another style!

Well, that's me for today, I'll be back soon with more news from brilliant Barnsley. Loves Ya! Jane x

Sunday, April 10, 2016

It's Showtime in Birdwell


As you can see, we all had lots of fun at the Academy Theatre in Birdwell, putting on the play, Up The Resistance, last week. We were directed by David Wrightam, who also wrote the play. The pictures speak for themselves.

 I played the part of Madam Dustere, the cleaner in a French brothel. 'Alo, Alo' She's a bit dotty, but saves the day, when the German's discover secret plans, and end up capturing an English officer and his accomplices. 

Now, see if you can spot the scarecrow - My David stood in at the last minute, as we were a member of cast short. He made an excellent scarecrow. Back row, third from the end, right.

And of course we ended the evening off in true Barnsley style, with bread and dripping. There was, of course, lots of other yummy nibbles on the buffet, all washed down with a pint of John Smiths from the bar.

And now it is on to the next David Wrightam play, another Sun, Sea, Sand and Crabs, this time set in Morocco (I think). Watch out for it in October. Before that I am going to be rehearsing for Act Your Age, a musical, also at the Academy Theatre, to be staged in June. It keeps me out of mischief.

Talk again soon, have a good week, all,
Love and hugs,
Jane x

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Greek Voices

Greek Voices, one of the four poems I read out at the Sheffield Poet-a-Thon on Saturday, when a group of 50 Yorkshire poets got together to raise money for Asylum Seekers. Over £10,000 was raised. Not only did I get to hear some fantastic poetry, but I also got to meet Helen Mort, one of my favourite poets. Well done everyone!

And today I am learning my lines for Up The Resistance, the play I'm in at the Academy Theatre, Birdwell, next Wednesday and Thursday.

It has been a lovely sunshiny day, the bushes in our garden are blossoming, and our little seedlings are pushing up through the soil. It's enough to make you want to write poetry.

Have a peaceful week, everyone,
Love and hugs,
Jane x

Wednesday, March 23, 2016



Yes, I am the one with the feather duster, I'm keeping it clean, as they say. We're a motley crew, but I'm sure we will make you laugh. Set in a French brothel during WW2, the plot involves, German Officers, escaping Englishmen, and a cow. Spot the cow, it is in fact hovering above my head in the above photo, that is it's open mouth, imagination needed.

I have been busy learning my lines, so not had time for any big walks lately. I am sure that will be rectified soon. I have had a trip to London, and even a day out in Scarborough, so have not been idle. I had never been to Scarborough and was surprised to see that there was a castle there. It is a very impressive site, well worth a visit.

I have also joined the Poetry Society Stanza group at Sheffield which meets every 3rd Monday in the month. It has only just been formed so is feeling its way as to a programme for each month. This month we all read one of our own poems to introduce ourselves. I'm not sure humorous poems would go down too well, we'll see.

I am to be part of the Sheffield Poet-a-Thon on the 2nd April, where I will read for 8 minutes. I think my slot is about 12.15pm. It is to be held at the new Arts Centre in the middle of Sheffield. About 50 poets are reading in a day long event which has been organised to raise money for the refugees. Please donate if you can: Jane Sharp Poet Click the link to go to my Just Giving page.

My dear hubby, David, has been busy in the garden. He has planted several strawberry plants, and prepared beds ready for summer plants that are, at the moment, germinating on our kitchen window ledges. The daffodil bulbs he planted just after Christmas have sent up a lovely display of yellow trumpets, or misshapen smilies, as I like to think they are.

As I write this blog the news is full of the bombing in Brussels that killed about 30 people, yesterday. It was a terrorist attack, suicide bombers at the airport, and also on the underground railway. Earlier this week there was an attack in Turkey, and there have been others. Now the whole of Europe is on high alert. I say my prayers every night for a peaceful world, knowing that a solution to all this violence will not come overnight.

On a brighter note, the Queen is coming up to her 90th birthday, and I am looking forward to some wonderful celebrations. So, April 21st is a date in my diary.

Before that, of course, it is Easter. This coming weekend, in fact. So, I wish you all a very Happy Easter break, whatever your religion. And if you don't believe in God, then enjoy the holiday and lots of chocolate. And above all, spread the love.

Jane x

Monday, February 15, 2016


LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT!   I knew the minute I saw him...

Yes, the sun was streaming in through the bedroom curtains, porridge was in the pan before I had time to think smoothy, toast, or anything otherwise, and that happy Valentine's greeting of 'do you want me to clean your boots,' melodiously fell on my waking ears. And when I got downstairs, there he was in his walking regalia, rucksack at the ready.

Valentine's Day - a walk in the countryside, who could ask for anything more. Then when we stopped for a cuppa and a bacon butty, it was, have you got a tenner love? I ask you, where's the romance in that. But, just as I had resigned myself to that, ah, bless, I know he loves me without red roses, excuse that more women than me have told themselves, the situation was in sight of redemption.

We had reached Elsecar, and the Antiques Fair. This is it, I thought, this is where he says, if you see a little something you like I'll treat you. Not! But I did end up buying a tin mop bucket as a prop for the play I'm in at the Acadamy Theatre in April. And, he did carry it all the way home, which was sort of gallant, if you know what I mean. Not quite a Knight in armour, but close.
Such is love!

Other news - I had a little trip out with my drama group friends on Thursday evening. We went in a minibus, to the theatre in Cleethorpes, where Up The Resistance was on. Now, as this is the play which we are rehearsing for at the moment, it was fun to see what the other am dram group made of it. So, it was a bit of a spying mission, but fun all the way. They were really good, so I think we shall have to up our game. I've never been to Cleethorpes before, but in the dark we could have been anywhere. I couldn't see the sea. On the run in we did pass a huge industrial site, all lit up for miles, but it wasn't exactly illuminations.

I've prepared my A Poet in Crete for Kindle this week, too. It will be available any day now.

My lovely man.

Well, I do hope your Valentine's Day was as wonderful as mine. (Or even better). Talk again soon.

Love and hugs,
Jane x

Wednesday, February 3, 2016


The First Meeting of The Poetry Society Stanza Sheffield Group was held on Monday evening, 1st February at the Bath Hotel, Sheffield.

David and I caught the bus to Sheffield, a journey of about 45 minutes. Once in the centre we located the tram stop, and took a short ride to West Street, and then walked from there to the Bath Hotel. The Bath Hotel is a little pub not far from the University. There I met with other people who are interested in poetry, and Stanza Sheffield was formed. I am so happy to be in touch with other poets in this area. I know this will be a very active group. Watch this space!
Don't we look a happy crowd?

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

A Poet in Glenridding

Thank God this poet was not in Glenridding during the recent floods! But I was in Glenridding in 1992/4, and what a time that was. So good, in fact, that I documented it in a little booklet.


You can take a look now, if you like. It is available on Amazon as a Kindle download. Simply click this link: A Poet in Glenridding

If you do download my book, thank you, and I would really appreciate a little review on Amazon.

I know the people of Glenridding would love you to make a special effort, and visit their village in 2016. If you are going to take a weekend break there is no more beautiful place than the shore of Ulswater. Even if you just go there for the day, it will be a day well spent. Treat yourself to a little memento from one of the local shops, have lunch or afternoon tea, or take a boat trip on the lake.

If you manage a weekend, then I'm sure you will want to don your boots and walk into the hills. The higher you get, the more rewarding it is. For the more experienced mountain walker, there is Helvellyn with it's fantastic Striding Edge. If I can do it, you can. (OK it was a few years ago).

Back to Birdwell. Christmas caught up with me and my tummy revolted. I have been sick for a couple of days. It's not nice! Anyway, I think I'm over the worse, so I'm going to get an early night tonight, then it's back to work tomorrow. Did I tell you that I have a voluntary job two days a week. Well, I'll tell you all about it next time.

David is asleep in the chair, bless! He went out for a walk round the block, and got his trousers so muddy wet that he had to put them in the washer when he came home. I think he slipped and fell into a puddle, but he's not saying. Ever the little boy. Speaking of which, I came across a photo of him and his sister, Nan. Our grandson, Jack, looks so much like him. Adorable!

More from me later, happy travels in the Lake District! And, happy reading!

Love Jane x