Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Sheds Away!

After two years of dreaming about having a garden shed let me introduce to you 'Cyrus the Shed'. Cyrus, because David's grandfather was called Cyrus, and the shed reminds him of his boy days, when he visited his grandfather. Whatever, anything for a peaceful life! Even though we have painted Cyrus in a lovely light blue colour, he is still a man-shed, and I am more than happy to go along with that. O glorious day that has taken a kitchen cupboard full of weights (of the gym variety), tools, cans of paint, a chair that was in the way, old oil cans, and a wood-burning stove (not to mention David who is much happier with a screw driver in his hand than moping about the house) out of my way and into 'Cyrus the Shed.' 

I know he (Cyrus the Shed) is looking a bit naked at the moment, but it won't be long before he is labelled, and decorated with a few obligatory 'shed' accessories. For now the pink blossom frames him nicely. And look how happy my man is.

Not so, I, who have just roasted a ham joint forgetting all about soaking it overnight to de-salt it. Yuk! Another cooking failure. We'll have to eat it a little at a time. Well, is someone telling me something?

I've managed to write a couple of poems this week, one about the Industrial Revolution, I don't know where that one came from.

I also spent some time at Elsecar Parish Church searching the records for information about the Royston family. I found several references and it's just the beginning, they have a wonderful archive of Elsecar's history, thanks to the Heritage group in the village.

So, we are going to the polls again. What a shocker! Well, if it's anything like last time, the only leaflet that came through our door was from the new Chinese takeaway.  We didn't see anyone knocking on doors. I suppose this area is a given 'Labour' stronghold. I do find the amount of money that is wasted, not to mention productive working days, could be put to better use. I know, there are arguments on both sides. 

(Sounds of gentle hammering from 'Cyrus')

That reminds me, I forgot to tell you that I had a 'situation' last week. I shut the bedroom door from the outside, and would it open again? Not on your life. The handle had no purchase on the catch and I was well and truly locked out. Of course, it was pre-Cyrus, and all the tools were in our built in wardrobe, inside the bedroom. David was away for the night visiting our Jo and Jack in Kent, and I was left marooned on the landing. I did think, never mind I will sleep in the spare room, I had towels in the bathroom, it wasn't like I was locked out of the kitchen, heaven forbid! And then I remembered my pills on the drawers at the side of the bed. Right! Right! As luck would have it my wood carving chisels were downstairs. Oh dear, I hear you say. Next door must have thought I'd gone mad. Bang! Bang! Foot behind the door and focus of a Ninja, two minutes later I was in. The damage was minimal but we do need new handles for the door.

(The hammering outside has turned into drilling)

I'm going to finish here, I hope you all had a very good Easter. There were no eggs hidden in our garden, but we have got a most BEAUTIFUL shed. And methinks it now has a shelf if not two.

Bye for now,
Love and hugs,
Jane x

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