Saturday, December 19, 2020

Shedcast 9 on 18 12 2020 at 18 31

And so this is the run up to Christmas, no shopping for us, we are keeping well away from crowds and have ordered our supplies on line, now we can only hope that our turkey arrives and is not 'out of stock' or substituted for a packet of chicken thighs. 

The good news is that our new sofa is down for delivery on Monday - yeah! We shall be able to sit in comfort after our Christmas dinner, and for evermore should we so wish. 

I have spent much of this week in the kitchen in preparation for Christmas, and because it was our son's birthday on Wednesday, I made him a birthday cake. The freezer is now full of apple sauce, Yorkshire puddings, an emergency nut roast, cake, biscuits, pastry cases, pigs in blankets, etc. So I feel ready for feasting, even if there will be only the two of us. And we won't be holding back on the chocolates.

My art project this week was 'anything to do with a Christmas song' so I used Away in a Manger as my inspiration and this is what I produced:
Away in a Manger
Next week's project is to produce a Mandala, I'm looking forward to that one. I think we should have some sort of exhibition when it is safe to do so, or maybe put together a little publication to catalogue what we have done in this most unusual year.

Speaking of which, the second wave of this nasty virus seems to be swelling to tsunami proportions. A new strain is virulent in the south and spreading northwards, but apparently the vaccine will be able to deal with it. I suppose it will be well into the new year before I get a jab, David will be first in line as he is over 70. The over 80s are being vaccinated first, together with NHS staff, carers and the most vulnerable. It's a marvelous thing, and I only hope enough people put themselves forward for it, there seems to be a section of society who are not on the same wavelength. Wherever there is a crowd of people this virus spreads and wherever you look there is a crowd of people. I feel another lockdown will be imposed very soon.

Anyway, David and I shall restrict ourselves to our every other day walk, shopping on line, and video calls to the people we love. I must say, FaceBook is great for keeping in touch with friends.

We shall be in the shed again on Christmas Eve for our Christmas Party, so I look forward to sharing the fun with you by way of our next Shedcast. Meanwhile, keep safe and keep smiling!

Love and hugs,
Jane and David xx

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Shedcast 8 from the kitchen 12 12 2020 at 10 54

Well, this is a first, a Shedcast from the kitchen. We were in the shed last night, but briefly. And then... Surprise!... What a fantastic evening it was, a family gathering in the street, everyone at a distance, unusual but very much appreciated. The photo's tell it all, it was dark and a bit chilly, but the love warmed us up.

We were in the shed but then we got a phone call, and...

It was sheer joy...

Jo up from London

David brought us one of his mandalas for the Arthouse...

And Tracy brought us a lovely Christmas tree.

This week's art project was 'cats' so here are my 'cat' pictures, not too inspiring, I'm afraid this week. Next week's project is 'Anything related to a Christmas Song' the challenge is on.

And... into some weeks baking failures fall:
Failed ginger biscuits! I put the oven on but forgot to set the heat at 180. There you go.

What a strange week, but it ended so well. Hope you have had a good week. Join us next week when we shall be back in the shed barring more surprises.
Lots of love to everyone,
Jane and David xx

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Shedcast 7 04 12 2020 at 18 03

Hello Everyone from a very cold Birdwell. We had snow this morning but it didn't settle. It did put us off walking around the block, as we say, but no worries I'm sure we shall manage a walk out today.

I put my health issues to one side, and dowsed up on paracetamol I spent 3 days in the shed occupying myself with the production of the challenge of the week - a head and shoulders portrait. This is what emerged:

Our lovely daughter, Jo. It was not easy, I admit, but I really enjoyed trying to tease out a likeness. This week's challenge is 'Cats' so I'll have to get my thinking cap on. 

I am feeling much better and ready for a creative week. It's probably time to put the Christmas tree up too. David and I spent a couple of hours doing our Christmas shopping on line, yesterday, so we don't have to worry about that. I think it is time for a few carols on the cello - always a good way to spend a rainy afternoon on the run up to Christmas.

Unfortunately we have to pop in to Barnsley for blood tests on Tuesday, but once that's over we will be isolating all the way, and we won't be getting together with the family on Christmas Day, or any other day soon. We have come this far so a few more months until the vaccine has been widely taken up, won't hurt us. We are in tier 3 and that means 'keep away from as many people as you can'. 

So, on with the week. Keep busy and stay safe,
Love to you all,
Jane and David xx

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Shedcast 6 from Jane and David

 Hello Everyone, we made it through the week! And an eventful week it was. We had our flu injection for which we had to travel to Barnsley on the bus, masked and smothered in disinfectant gel. Then we had to walk up to the surgery, which is a considerable distance from the town, by which time I was not at all well having been in the middle of something nasty concerning my internal workings. When the doctor saw me he sent me straight to A&E for blood tests. The whole episode was quite nasty, and painful. BUT! TADA! I didn't die and after a few days of fasting I am much better and almost back to normal. David was a brick throughout, we are so lucky to have each other.

My art assignment this week was 'Fairies and Elves' so here is what I produced:

It was a good exercise, but I wasn't too inspired. Maybe this week's 'portrait' may be better.

We did manage a walk during the week and saw this lovely rainbow over Birdwell:

And David managed an hour or two in next door's garden, burning a bit more of the rubbish he is trying to get rid of. I must say he is doing a wonderful job of clearing the gunk which was becoming such a health hazzard. The owner of the house has given him permission by the way. The house is empty so he isn't upsetting anyone.

Meanwhile in our garden the winter birds are returning and visiting our new bird table - such a joy!

So, into another week of Covid restrictions. Barnsley is in tier 3, which means that pubs and restaurants are to remain closed except for takeaway meals. But our pub at the bottom of the garden is open all hours and this week I shall be putting up the decorations for Christmas.

And next week it is our 'office party' in the 'ArtHouse'. So watch this space for an update.

Keep safe everyone, there is light at the end of the tunnel so be patient, hang in there.

Love and virtual hugs,
Jane and David xx

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Shedcast 5 - Hello from Jane and David

 I'm feeling FAT! It's time to do something about it and start eating less. Let's see how I do in the coming week. Looking on the bright side, the less I eat now, the more I can binge at Christmas. I have a challenging week ahead starting with no pie and chips for me. I have lots to keep me busy though: the art challenge (First World Problems), two poems to write for Shortlands Poetry Circle, and work on my wood sculpture, not to mention cello practice. It might not be a fun packed week, but it will be interesting.

Have a good week yourselves, keep busy, and keep happy. Meanwhile here is our Shedcast 5

Here is the link to donate to David's Charity Hike:

See you next week,

Love and hugs from Jane and David xx

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Shedcast 4 6 Nov 20

Not a very inspiring week, but it was what it was. Let's hope this week is a little more productive. At least we are off to a good start with fine weather, sturdy boots, and enough paint to complete my next picture, the subject of which is 'teapot'. I await the magic of the Art House.

Yes, we ate liver...

And today we have ginger cake...

Is this what life has come to? Watch this space for the ultimate in exciting lives. 

Lots of love from Jane and David xx

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Shedcast 3 - Haloween Fun

 Here is Shedcast 3, Friday 30th October, Halloween weekend...

... and the fun we had in the shed before getting serious...

...and the fun we had in the house before going down to the shed...

...and a few pics.

Happy Halloween Everyone!

Love from Jane and David xx

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Shedcast 2 Friday Oct 23 2020

 And now for something completely different! The formation of 'Shedband' Tadaaaaa!

And if that didn't leave you with a smile on your face I give up! See you next week for Shedcast 3 till then look after yourselves and keep well.

Lots of love and virtual hugs,

Jane and David xx

Thursday, October 15, 2020

A Passion for Yorkshire - Ingleborough

Ingleborough - I used to live in the shadow of Ingleborough and it will always hold a very special place in my heart. I have trogged my way up all of the Three Peaks, Ingleborough, Penighent an Whernside, but Ingleborough is the one for me. Of course it is many years since my boots touched the grassy slope of this beautiful landmark, but who knows, when all this Covid thing is over, I might just put it on my 'to do' list.

Perhaps it is something in the blood because my cousin (or should I say my mother's cousin) Frank Royston, who passed away at the age of 95 last week, was for many years a member of the Cave Rescue Organisation. Frank, who lived in Ingleton for most of his life, started caving seriously just after the war. He was a local historian, a passionate photographer, and (I know this from experience) a very good maker of fruit wines. I will remember him with love and respect. R.I.P. Cousin Frank.

Yes, Yorkshire is certainly in my blood and I, like many others, are sad to see the Covid-19 restrictions being tightened as the virus is claiming so many more victims. The hospitals are filling up, Barnsley hospital has announced only really necessary visits are allowed, because of the Covid increase, and the country is on the verge of another complete lockdown. As for David and myself, it will not alter our lives that much, because we don't have a car, and don't have a burning desire to visit shops, pubs or restaurants, as, frankly, any spare cash we had we've blown on a new chair and sofa. I'm not complaining, the old ones were acquired from the charity shop and were well past their sell by date. Incase you didn't recognise him, it's David behind the mask. It's a small sofa, but comfortable, and the chair is very cheery. Hopefully the sofa will be delivered before Christmas.

We are ready for the 'lock down' and we have plenty to keep us occupied, what with books, TV, Cello practice, gardening, and of course, The Shed.

So, from us to you, keep safe, keep sane and at all costs keep sober (well at least try) and I'll report back soon to let you know how my new project is going, (it's in its infancy and a bit hush, hush). I can tell you that it does involve a few words, and fits under the heading - A Passion for Yorkshire.

Lots of love and hugs,
Jane x

Saturday, September 5, 2020

A Complete Change of Scene

OK enough is enough! Yes the shed was a lifesaver, shopping on line is probably here to stay, and I've improved no end as a cellist, but the time of breakout finally came. I found it terribly difficult to lose the Covid-stone that I walloped on over the summer, but, I did manage to starve off a few pounds before saying 'ta ta' to Birdwell for a whole week, and 'hello' Scotland. The pictures say it all. We had a smashing holiday on the Isle of Mull. 

And we're off! 6.15a.m. in our Skoda hire car, packed with provisions for the week.

2.45 p.m. on the Lochaline to Fishnish Ferry

A Glimpse of the Oban Ferry at Craignure

Arrival at our holiday cottage on the shore of Loch Don

Happy Bunnies

The View from Our Bedroom Window

From the bedroom window

Walking on Iona

Just a little drizzle!

Lobster Pots on Mull

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The Ferry to Ulver today!

The Wonderful Garden of Alice ?

Lip Na Cloich Gardens

A Day in Tobermoray, Shopping, Fish and Chips


The Arty Day!

It's a Sea Otter on the Rock - honestly!

A Jellyfish waiting for the tide to come in.

St Kilder - Loch Buie

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Inside St. Kildas

Duart Castle

And back to the ferry for our trip home

The Ferry at Fishnish September 4 2020

Bye, Bye, Isle of Mull, we loved you. 

Back home with our new Mull Pottery mugs.

Putting these photo's on this blog I realise there are some missing. When we went to Iona I took pics of the Monastery, the church and a wonderful travelling musician called Robbie who played guitar and sang for us. I even made a short video, all sadly lost as not having internet failed to backup. So to Robbie and Elisa, a big thank you for entertaining us, and blessings for successful travels.

The Abbey on Iona.

That's my man!

Our first peak on Iona

So, what is this? 

I'll leave you with this poser. I can't find out what this little beauty is. Have I discovered a rare botanical species?

It's been that long since I did my blog that Google have changed the format and it's baffled me. Hopefully I will get the hang of it by next time. 

Keep safe everyone! Social distance! Wear a face covering! Wash your hands!

Bye for now,
Love Jane x