Saturday, November 28, 2020

Shedcast 6 from Jane and David

 Hello Everyone, we made it through the week! And an eventful week it was. We had our flu injection for which we had to travel to Barnsley on the bus, masked and smothered in disinfectant gel. Then we had to walk up to the surgery, which is a considerable distance from the town, by which time I was not at all well having been in the middle of something nasty concerning my internal workings. When the doctor saw me he sent me straight to A&E for blood tests. The whole episode was quite nasty, and painful. BUT! TADA! I didn't die and after a few days of fasting I am much better and almost back to normal. David was a brick throughout, we are so lucky to have each other.

My art assignment this week was 'Fairies and Elves' so here is what I produced:

It was a good exercise, but I wasn't too inspired. Maybe this week's 'portrait' may be better.

We did manage a walk during the week and saw this lovely rainbow over Birdwell:

And David managed an hour or two in next door's garden, burning a bit more of the rubbish he is trying to get rid of. I must say he is doing a wonderful job of clearing the gunk which was becoming such a health hazzard. The owner of the house has given him permission by the way. The house is empty so he isn't upsetting anyone.

Meanwhile in our garden the winter birds are returning and visiting our new bird table - such a joy!

So, into another week of Covid restrictions. Barnsley is in tier 3, which means that pubs and restaurants are to remain closed except for takeaway meals. But our pub at the bottom of the garden is open all hours and this week I shall be putting up the decorations for Christmas.

And next week it is our 'office party' in the 'ArtHouse'. So watch this space for an update.

Keep safe everyone, there is light at the end of the tunnel so be patient, hang in there.

Love and virtual hugs,
Jane and David xx

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