Saturday, January 23, 2021

Shedcast 3:21 22 January 2021

Hello everyone, 
Well the snow went and the rain came, storm Christof brought high winds and flooding to some parts of Yorkshire, but luckily we live on a hill and apart from the ground being a bit waterlogged we were not affected. Today we have blue skies though there are a few clouds about and it is still very cold.

The Covid virus is still raging through Britain and the hospitals are now under great stress. People are dying at a rate of well over 1000 per day, and still there are reports of large gatherings for weddings, parties, and even funerals. The police are now handing out heavy fines whenever they happen on these events.

The vaccine is being rolled out at a fast rate, up to date 5 million people have received their injection. So, we hope and pray that this will begin to show results in the next few weeks.

David and I have kept ourselves busy this week with our respective projects, my art and music and David's reading and gardening. I did catch him up his ladder pruning the tree with his old saw and I was glad when he'd finished that little job, the last thing we need now is a fall. But he's safe and sound (well almost sound) and the tree looks much better.

I did a bit of baking yesterday, making bread is a very earthy thing to do, and it tasted delish too. My tin is full of chocolate tray bake so we are all set for the week ahead.

The art project went well, 'Childhood Memories' it was good to revisit a time, long ago, when I used to work the bellows for my granddad, Joe Royston, who was a blacksmith. I remember my mum once saying, if Jane had been a boy she would have been a blacksmith. That would not have mattered these days would it?

Down the pub - The Art House

All together in The Art House

Garlic Bread a la Jane

Childhood Memories

We will be back next week, God willing, so until then,
Keep safe and keep smiling!
Jane and David xx

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