Saturday, March 13, 2021

Shedcast 10 on 12 03 2021 at 17 09 - Living Art!

Yeah! Get a load of this! Eat your heart out Andy Warhole. Boredom is really getting to us now and short of going naked in the shed we came up with a psychedelic shedcast. As ever, make of it what you will, but we did have fun and that's what it's all about.

I think you will have got the gist of how we were feeling last night, it's been a fairly rubbish week, I took sick for a couple of days, the weather was inclement, and there was nothing but bad news on the telly (well, except for the Grayson Perry Artclub show last night).

Anyway, I did manage to complete a bit of artwork, and I did make a short video of a new poem, 'On the Breeze there is a Song' which I have put up on the Hear My Voice Barnsley Facebook page. So, this week's artwork is 3 Men in a Bar:
And this is our 'bar' last night:

As I said the news has been very depressing this week what with the abduction and murder of a young girl in London, by, to make it worse, a serving police officer, and the hullabaloo about Harry and Meghan's interview with Oprah Winfrey, what a can of worms that has opened up, not to mention Covid being on the rise again in Italy and throughout Europe, and the never ending negativity about Brexit. It's enough to make you want to stay in bed till it's all over.

But of course I won't be doing that! For one thing it's Mothering Sunday tomorrow and I have in mind blue skies and a walk through the woods. Then next week I am going to throw myself into the world of Abstraction to produce and abstract painting. All good fun, eh! I've also got my book of the month to finish, so a bit of reading to do.

Anyway, that's us for this week, I hope the Shedcast brought a smile. Happy Mother's Day to all mums out there, it's feet up and enjoy the chocolate time.

Keep safe and keep smiling,
Love Jane and David xx

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