Sunday, September 19, 2021

Back in the Shed + Shedcast 37

 Hi Everyone,

Well, I'm going to make this a quick blog, because it is Sunday and the sun is shining and I want to get out there in the fresh air. I also want to spend an hour on my lines for the Fun Night on the 8th Oct. Here are the details if you'd like to see me in action again, funny as ever (I hope).

And this is the new Anthology, 'the rainbow comes and goes' from Shortlands Poetry Circle (please get in touch with me if you would like a copy):

And this is the show that my friend Bev stars in at the Lamproom theatre in Barnsley, if you fancy a night out at the Theatre.

David and I have had another lovely week pottering in the garden in this bonus September sunshine. We popped in to Barnsley yesterday, bought a present and birthday card for our Granddaughter, Jade, who is 19 today, and popped out again. I have to say I am impressed by the new square, and Glassworks shopping arcade. We didn't hang around because Barnsley were playing at home yesterday, and the town was getting very busy. (Barnsley 0 - Blackburn 0)

I was upset in the week when I heard of the death of Gillian Forrester, in Crete. We knew her well when we lived over there, and it came as a shock. She was a lovely lady who was a joy to be around. RIP Gillian, Kalo Taxithi.

And here is the Shedcast we made on Friday, number 37, a friend said to me, 'I don't know how you can be bothered to do that every Friday,' and my reply was, 'because I know you will watch it.' I hope you all watch the shedcast, it is our way of keeping in touch with friends and family we very rarely see.

Our love to everyone, keep safe and keep smiling,
Jane and David xx

P.S. We did pop down to the Cock yesterday and learned that one of our neighbours, John, is in hospital. Get well soon, John, the allotment needs you.

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